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Nintendo Column Archive
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Welcome to the Nintendo Column Archive.  In addition to my original job as the writer for the column, I will be keeping this archive as up to date as possible with back articles and such.  I've gone through some old articles and posted small informative notes where necessary so I wouldn't have to re-write the article itself.  The point of this page is to save the original articles for future viewing.  So anyway, enjoy!
-Mario Johnson

Monthly Articles

Dual Screens and Evil evolved (January 10th 2005)

Evil has evolved, and Leon is on the job (January 13th, 2005)

Loads of games, 3 Platforms (January 28th, 2005)

Chains of Assault (March 25, 2005)

Column Specials

Veritech or Robotech, what's your pleasure? (May 13th, 2004)

Regenerate, Biohazard, and Resident Evil 4 (May 13th, 2004)

E3 Nintendo 2004

Assault, Budokai, Legends of lack, Underground and Sagas January 28th, 2005

DS Legends await March 25th, 2005

"So longe Bowser!"
-Mario (Super Mario 64)