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Custom Robo
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I love mecha, especially when its giant robots!  But ESPECIALLY when you can CUSTOMIZE your mecha from HEAD to TOE, like Armored Core, only Nintendo and more multiplayer.
-Mario Johnson

E3 Cubed 2004

Anyone who played through Smash Brothers Melee would have noticed the trophies from this game that read "Japan Only".  But not anymore!  From Nintendo comes: CUSTOM ROBO! 


This wildly popular mecha action fighting game from Japan hits the U.S. this year.  In the game, you assemble your robot from scratch with everything interchangeble and customizable as you battle other robots to become the best Custom Robo Commander! 


I reviewed this game for last year's E3.  I don't know whats been going on in the last year, but Nintendo had better be workin on this game.  This game just looks awesome.  This is one of my "Picks of E3".


"Join the Robo Revolution"