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Digimon World
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World of Digimon

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Digimon World
Digivolution Chart
Heres the chart which shows the complete list of digimon your partner can become plus the necessary parameters so it can digivolve to the form you want.

Poss. Digimon:Koromon
Care Mistakes :No limit
Body Weight:15G
Necessary Parameters: Offense must be highest
Bonus conditions: Current Digimon: Koromon
Possible Digimon:Tanemon
Care Mistakes:No limit
Necessary Parameters: Defence must be highest 
Bonus Conditions :Current Digimon:Tanemon
Possible Digimon: Agumon
Care Mistakes : 1 or less
Body Weight:30G
Necessary Parameters : Offence,Defence,Speed, and Brains must all be at 100.
Bonus Conditions:Discipline 90%+, Techniques: more than 35
Poss. Digimon: Agumon,Gabumon,Patamon
Care Mis.:5 or less
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.:Hp 1000, Def 100
Bonus Con. Battles 5 or less, Tech. 28+
Poss. Digimon: Angemon
Spec. Digiv.: Angemon has a 50% chance of digiv. into Devimon when it loses a battle and its Dis. gauge is below 50%.
Poss. Digi.:Agumon
Care Mis.: 5+
Body Weight: 20g
Ness. Para.: Off. 100
Bonus Con.: Battles 10+, Tech. 28+
Poss. Digi.:Biyomon
Care Mis.:1 or less
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.: MP 1000, Speed+Brains 100
Bonus Con.:Dis. Gauge: 90%, Tech,: 35%
Special Digi.:Birdramon and Seadramon have a 30% chance of digivolving into Airdramon when they sleep with Dis. and Happiness at 100%, and Tiredness at zero.
Poss. Digi.: Betamon
Care Mis.: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Ness. Para.:HP+MP at 1000
Bonus Con:Battles 5 or less, Tech.:28+
Poss. Digi.:All rookie forms
Spec. Digi.: Your Digimon partner will Digivolve to Numemon if it has met no other Digivolution conditions.
Poss. Digi.: Greymon, Monochromon, Meramon, Tyrannomon, Drimogemon
Care Mis.: 10 or less
Body Weifht: 65g
Ness. Para.: HP 4000, MP 3000, Off.+Def. 500, Speed+Brains 300
Bonus Con.:Battles+Tech. 30+
Poss. Digi.: Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, Whamon, Mojymon
Care Mis.:15+
Body Weight: 5g
Ness. Para.: Off.+Brains 400, Def.+Speed 300
Bonus Con.: Happiness gauge: 95%, Tech.: 25+
Poss. Digi.: Numemon
Care Mis.: 0
Body Weight:40g
Ness. Para.: HP+MP: 3000, Off.,Def.,Speed,Brains 300
Bonus Con.: Battles: 50+, Tech.: 49+
Poss. Digi.:Koromon
Care Mis.: No limits
Body Weight:15g
Ness. Para.:Def or Speed must be the highest
Bonus Con.: Current Digimon:Koromon
Poss. Digi.:Tsunomon
Care Mis.: No limits
Body Weight:15g
Ness. Para.:Off. or Speed must be the highest stat.
Bonus Con.:Current Digimon: Tsunomon
Poss. Digi.:Biyomon, Kunemon
Care Mis.: 1 or less
Body Weight: 30g
Ness. Para.: HP 1000, Off.,Def., Speed 100
Bonus Con.: Current Digimon: Kunemon, Tech.:35+
Poss. Digi.: Gabumon, Penguinmon
Care Mis.: 1 or less
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.: MP 1000, Speed 100
Bonus Con.:Dis. Gauge:100%, Tech.: 28+
Poss. Digi.:Patamon, Elecmon
Care Mis.:0
Body Weight:20g
Ness. Para.:MP 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Con.:Curr.Digi.:Patamon, Tech.:35+
Poss. Digi.:Penguinmon
Care Mis.:5 or less
Body Weight: 30g
Ness. Para.: MP 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Con.:Happines Gauge:75%+, Tech. 28+
Poss. Digi.: Agumon, Biyomon
Care Mis.:3+
Body Weight: 20g
Ness. Para.: Speed 100
Bonus Con.: Current Digi.:Biyomon, Tech.:35+
Poss. Digi.:Patamon,Betamon,Penguinmon
Care Mis.:3 or less
Body Weight: 40g
Ness. Para.:HP 1000, Brains 100
Bonus Con.:Dis. Gauge:60%+, Tech. 28+
Poss. Digi.: Kunemon, Palmon
Care Mis.:5+
Body Weight:10g
Ness. Para.:MP 1000
Bonus Con.: Happiness Gauge: 75%+, Tech.: 21+
Poss. Digi.: Greymon,Devimon,Mojyamon,Garurmon,Bakemon
Care Mis.:10+
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.:HP 4000,MP 6000,Off.+Def: 4000,Speed 200,Brains 500
Bonus Con.:Battles 40+, Tech.: 45+
Poss. Digi.:Monochromon,Ninjamon,Kabuterimon,Frigimon
Care Mis.: 15 or less
Body Weight:10g
Ness. Para.:Off. 500,Def.+Speed+Brains:400
Bonus Con.:Happiness Gauge: 95%+, Tech.: 30+
Poss. Digi.: All Champion form Digimon
Special Digvolution:There is a 50% chance that your champion partner digimon will digivolve to Vademon after 360 hours of becoming a Champion

Poss. Digi.: Tokomon
Care Mis.: No limits
Body Weight:15g
Ness. Para.:Off. or Brains must be the highest
Bonus Con.:Curr. Digi.:Tokomon
Poss. Digi.: All In-training digimon
Special Digivolution: Your Digimon partner has a 50% chance of digivolving into Kunemon after Sleeping there.
Poss. Digi.:Patamon, Biyomon
Care Mis.:3 or less
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.:Hp 1000, Speed 100
Bonus con.:Battles 10+,Tech:35+
Poss. Digi.:Agumon,Gabumon
Care Mis.: 3 or less
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.:Brains 100
Bonus Con.:Dis. Gauge: 60+, Tech.: 28+
Poss. Digi.:Gabumon, Patamon
Care Mis.: 5+
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.: HP 1000, Off. 100
Bonus Condition: Battles 15+,Tech.:35+
Poss. Digi.:Elecmon, Kunemon
Care Mis.:3+
Body Weight:20g
Ness. Para.:Mp 1000
Bonus Con.:Happiness Gauge 75%+, Tech:28+
Special Digivolution:Your Partner Digimon Has a 5% chance of Digvolving into Bakemon if beaten by an illness or loss in battle during Rookie form.
Poss. Digi.:Betamon, Penguinmon
Care Mis.:5+
Body Weight:40g
Ness. Para.:HP 1000, Def.: 100
Bonus Con.:Curr. Digi.: Betamon,Tech: 35+
Poss. Digi.: Gabumon,Betamon
Care Mis.:3+
Body Weight:40g
Ness. Para.:Off. 100
Bonus Con.:Happiness Gauge: 75%+, Tech.: 28+
Poss. Digi.:All
Special Digivolution: This is the end result of 16 "Field Poops".
Poss. Digi.:Meramon,Centarumon,Ogremon,Leomon,Angemon
Care Mis.: 5 or less
Body Weight: 40g
Ness. Para.: HP 2000,MP 4000,Off.+Speed: 200,Def.+Brains:400
Bonus Con.: Battles: 30+, Tech.:30+
Poss. Digi.:Centarumon,Ogremon,Bakemon,Unimon
Care Mis.: 15+
Body Weight:5g
Ness. Para.: Off.+Brains:400,Speed 300
Bonus Con.:Happiness Gauge 95%+, Battles:100+, Tech.:35+
Poss. Digi.:Sukamon
Care Mis.: No Limit
Body Weight:15g
Ness. Para.:HP 2000, MP 1000, Off.+Speed:400, Def. 200, Brains 300
Bonus Con.: Battles 50+, Tech.: 49+

Poss. Digi.: Tokomon
Care Mis.: No limit
Body Weight: 15g
Ness. Para.: Speed must be the highest stat
Bonus Con.: Current Digi.:Tokomon
Poss. Digi.:Tanemon
Care Mis.: No limit
Body Weight:15g
Ness. Para.:Brains must be the hightes stat
Bonus Con.: Current Digi.: Tanemon
Poss. Digi.:Agumon, Gabumon
Care Mis.: 3 or less
Body Weight: 40g
Ness. Para.: HP 1000, Def. 100, Brains 100
Bonus Con.: Battles: 5 or less, Tech.:35+
Special Digivolution: Your Drimogemon Digimon Partner has a 30% chance of Digivolving into Monochromon if it sleeps with its Dis. Gauge at 100% and its Def. at 500+.
Poss. Digi.:Elecmon, Biyomon
Care Mis.:3+
Body Weight: 30g
Ness. Para.: HP 1000
Bonus Con.: Curr. Digi.: Biyomon, Tech.:28+
Poss. Digi.: Patamon, Elecmon
Care Mis.: 1 or less
Body Weight: 20g
Ness. Para.: Off.+Speed+Brains:100
Bonus Con.:Battles 10+, Tech.: 35+
Poss. Digi.:Kunemon,Palmon
Care Mis.: 5+
Body Weight:30g
Ness. Para.:HP+MP 1000, Off.+Speed 100
Bonus Con.:Curr. Digi.: Kunemon, Tech.: 28+
Poss. Digi.: Penguinmon
Care Mis.: 5+
Body Weight: 20g
Ness. Para.: MP+HP 1000
Bonus Con.:Battles 5 or less, Tech.:28+
Poss. Digi.:Palmon, Betamon
Care Mis.: 3+
Body Weight: 30g
Ness. Para.: Def. 100
Bonus Con.: Battles 5+, Tech.: 35+
Special Digivolution: Your Whamon or Shellmon digimon partner has a 30% chance of digivolving into Coelamon after 360 hours since becoming a Champion.
Poss. Digi.: All Rookie forms
Special Digivolution: Your digimon will become Nanimon if you use the Scold command with both the Happiness and Dis. gauges at 0%.
Poss. Digi.: Tyrannomon, Devimon, Airdramon, Seadramon
Care Mis.: 10 or less
Body Weight: 55g
Ness. Para.:HP 3000, MP 5000, Off. 500, Def. 300, Speed 400,
Brains 400
Bonus Con.:Battles 30+, Tech.: 30+
Poss. Digi.:Kokatorimon, Vegimon, Ninjamon, Kuwagamon
Care Mis.:15+
Body Weight: 5g
Ness. Para.: Off.+Def.: 300, Brains+Speed: 400
Bonus Con.:Dis. Gauge: 95%+, Tech.:25+
Poss. Digi.: Nanimon
Care Mis.: No limit
Body Weight: 10g
Ness. Para.:HP+MP 3000, Off.+Def.+Speed:400, Brains 300
Bonus Con.:Battles 100+, Tech.:49+

Poss. Digi.:Tsunomon
Care Mis.:No Limit
Body Weight: 15g
Ness. Para.: Brains or Def. must be the highest stat.
Bonus Con.: Curr. Digi.: Tsunomon
Poss. Digi.: Palmon
Care Mis.: 1 or less
Body Weight: 10g
Ness. Para.: MP 1000, Off. 100, Speed 100
Bonus Con.:Battles 15+, Tech.: 35+
Special Con.: Your Vegimon Digimon Partner has a 30% chance of Digivolving into Ninjamon if it sleeps with its Dis. Gauge at 100% and it has fought 50+ battles.
The last three are the most difficult to obtain. You'll have to find them on your own.
Poss. Digi.: Seadramon, Coelamon, Whamon, Shellmon, Garurumon
Digivolve Item: Coral Charm
Poss. Digi.: Kabuterimon, Kuwagamon
Digivove Item: Beetlepearl
Poss. Digi.: Birdramon, Kokatorimon, Airdramon, Angemon, Unimon
Digivolve Item: Red Ruby

-All right my MetalGreymon's number one!
-Awwwwww. Lost again!
-Lets have a battle with my Metalmamemon!
-He evolved this morning.
-Wow! I bet he can beat MetalGreymon!
(Opening Dialouge)