Game Town International

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Welcome to the Mayor's office, the following is the address he made to the city yesterday in regards to the recent City Council meeting.
January 15th 2005
Mayor Leonhart:  "Hi.  I'm sure you all have somewhere to be so i'll make this short.  Let me go over a few changes that happened in town recently.  The Newsline has opened it's archives so their news articles can be saved and not deleted each month.  I too will be starting up a similar archive to document all my addresses to the city when somethin happens.  I've also asked the columnists at the Newsline to start prepin' now for E3.  I don't want a repeat of last year where nothing was finished becase it was all done last minute.  I've also asked the city council to consider an Anime/movie page or column to keep us all up-to-date on things anime, like the live action Evangelion movie currently due out next year.  Lastly, Santa has been officially reassigned to aiding in the construction of all site pages by helping write the small puns/jokes that appear at the bottom of every page.  Other than that, nothing particularly new.  Well goodbye.  Take care."

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Here's my link if you need to contact me. I'm a busy man, and it may take me the rest of the week to give you a responce.

get this gear!

Need more help? See the Tourist center.

Tourist Center

I AM THE WAFFLE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!